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You best self is possible, wherever you are.

Hi! My name is Jill Clark and I am so excited to have you here!

Whether you’re the healthiest mom on the block or just getting started on your health transformation, I know you’ll find this blog to be a valuable resource on your journey! I’m not here to judge… just to help you rock your health like the #momboss you are!

After 30 years of dieting, deprivation, excessive exercise and trying ALL the gimmicks I finally transformed my life FOR GOOD. I created daily micro habits that eventually became my daily life. The result was releasing 165lbs and gaining my life back. I am more fulfilled in life, have more energy, less pain, better mental clarity and I can shop in any store I please.

In early 2017, I began helping others reach their optimal health goals. It was a calling I never expected after suffering with my own poor health for so many years. I’ve assisted hundreds in relieving pain, reducing medications, gaining energy back, improving self confidence and releasing thousands of pounds.

When people hear my story a lot of questions arise. I hear, “I wish I could do that!” (Guess what?! You can!) And most commonly get asked “where do I start?” Between our friends, family, TV commercials, documentaries and social media there are so many options that it can be incredibly overwhelming.

Healthy Michigan Mama is about empowering parents, focusing on wellness as a lifestyle, and creating health for everyone in the family. If you struggle with your health and are ready to make the commitment to improving it fill out this assessment form and then we will schedule your free strategy session. I look forward to connecting with you!