
Welcome to the Healthy Michigan Mama!

I’m Jill. I’m wife to Darren, mom to 3 kids, a certified health coach, award winning nail artist of 28 years and freelance writer. I was born and raised in Northern California and moved to Southeastern Michigan in 2005.

Six years ago I embarked on a weight loss journey and lost 100 pounds. After a while I realized that I was just eating “points” and no longer eating to fuel my body in a healthy way. Something needed to change.

I teamed up with a health coach who helped me to create daily micro habits that totally changed my life and my husband’s. It wasn’t just about getting our bodies healthy but also our minds. I’ve now lost a total of 165lbs and hubby has lost over 100lbs! Our energy levels, mental clarity and relationship with food has improved and we are so much more active with our kiddos.

I am so passionate about helping others create health and wellbeing in their lives and achieve things they never thought were imaginable. My goal is to share about my journey to a healthier lifestyle and I look forward to spending it with you!

family easter 2019

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